Thursday, August 21, 2014

Read for 10 minutes (record in green reading log)
Write for 5 minutes in Writers Notebook (include the date)
Practice math facts for 2-3 minutes (record in green math log)

Tomorrow we have Library!

Why do readers abandon books?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Homework 8-19

  • Read for 10 minutes (record in green reading log)
  • Write for 5 minutes in Writers Notebook (include the date)
  • Practice math facts for 2-3 minutes (record in green math log)

Picking just right books!

Even though I can read all of the words I can not comprehend what this is saying! So this is not a "just right" book for me!

Sharing our writers notebooks

Monday, August 18, 2014

Homework 8-18

  • Read for 10 minutes (record in green reading log)
  • Write for 5 minutes in Writers Notebook (include the date)
  • Finish decorating Writers Notebook if you are not finished
  • Practice math facts for 2-3 minutes (record in green math log)

Strings inspection is tomorrow! (Tuesday, August 19)
Have a great night!!! 

Picking just right books!

The class helped me pick which shirt was just right for me!

They also helped me pick which shoes were just right for school!